I'm going to try to post each day, but I won't be around tomorrow. So here's "Saturday."
Having a Spectrum Kid, even one as sweet as Samuel, can be pretty stressful to Mom. And as the old saying goes, when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody's happy!
Looking forward to something is a big deal, so stress isn't going on and on to the horizon. I can really enjoy anticipating a time, written into the calendar, to either get out with my husband or to get away by myself.
My husband is trying to make his schedule more predictable -- so I can look forward to having more support and another "big person" for conversation at a specific time later in the day. And we've been planning for me to go out by myself tomorrow. So Saturday, instead of being here to blog, I will be wandering some beautiful back roads. Road trip!!!!!
Hope you have a great weekend too!
Time out for Mum is really important. It is great you have an opportunity for that. At some stage, will you post about Samuel's actual degree of autism and symtoms? I have not had a lot of encounters with this but one of my home schooling friends has a child diagnosed mildly autistic with very severe speech delay. I am wondering what your major battles with Samuel are as I know for most it is the social aspect. He is obviously a very clever boy. Aspergers perhaps?
My two sons still home schooling have both been diagnosed with Auditory Processing Delay so we have some battles, too. I also REALLY look forward to some alone time!!!
Yes! I've been think about how to add that information about Samuel. Your friend's child sounds much like him, and that can be confusing since media depictions tend to show a not-so-bright child staring off into space all day.
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