Friday, October 23

What You See Is What You Get

My Samuel seems so absorbed by what he sees. This has its advantage when trying to put something together, like a puzzle or a toy that Mommy accidentally took apart trying to install a new battery. (Opps! He calmly handled those tiny screws and incomprehensible parts to put his train back together!)

Observations have their disadvantage when something changes. Samuel has been "accidentally" knocking over a political sign in our front yard. (By golly we've never had one before, and we're not going to have one now) and is in quite a tizzy about a deck installation out back.

I face a real challenge because what we see in print does not necessarily translate to how we write something by hand. Samuel wants to take printing conventions and use them in his handwriting even though he hasn't mastered the basics yet. I've been stressing numbers lately so we can move along in math -- he's noticed that just about all typed fonts have a "closed" 4 whereas the handwritten four typically has an open box shape.

If I could be sure he would one day have neat handwriting, it wouldn't be so bad but I don't want to risk his having difficulty distinguishing between his 4s and his 9s. At least he seems to like numbers!

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