Monday, October 26

Putting The Spine In Science

Science -- it can be a lot of fun when homeschooling, even though it usually takes some preparation. Today a q-tip became a spinal cord and pasta Os formed the vertebra; the fine motor skills needed to manipulate the pasta provided a bonus for Samuel.

This year we're using Little Otters, which is guiding us through the human body and is giving a good introduction to the life sciences. We're making modifications based on what books are available and dropping out the Magic School Bus videos that are too frenetic for us.  We've loved Janice VanCleave's Play and Find Out about the Human Body.

She suggested threading empty thread spools onto yarn to demonstrate how the vertebra lne  up to provide a strong, but flexible backbone. Though I'm an avid seamstress, I've not held onto thread spools. Ah, but I had the pasta Os and adapted those to the "experiment" by using the much larger q-tip to "thread" the bones.

Homeschooling refines the art of improvision!

1 comment:

Ruby said...

That all sounds fun!
I recall seeing empty spools at a craft shop once, perhaps they were meant for science!
Hope you and family are going well.
I am appreciating your posts.