Tuesday, September 24

Moms don't get days off. Just about anyone with offspring has said this, but it is especially true of homeschooling moms. So when I messed up my back over the weekend, Monday morning schooling came all too quickly.

I had handled this before with our older kids. You can do a fair amount flat on your back, and my little guys thought it was pretty cool to spend the day in my room. We skipped English composition but otherwise got everything done.

At times, homeschooling parents have to get creative. After back surgery 12 years ago, I spent several weeks watching movie productions of Shakespeare plays with our second-oldest daughter. To this day, she enjoys Shakespeare. I have to wonder if the results would have been the same with a more traditional approach to studying literature?

Today I'm up, but being really picky about what I'll do.  Lord willing, this will soon be a forgotten blip on our homeschooling year.

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