Thursday, November 19

Singing in the Rain

My little guys are out playing in the rain. Well, not an all-out downpour, it is more of a mist. My inspiration came from the occupational therapist we saw Monday. She suggested giving Samuel times where he can play with something that mushes.

Some time ago, to save my garden beds and pots, I filled up a long container with sand and the little guys are allowed to play in that. Well, that meets my definition of mushy. With everything already wet, I would not normally have had them go outside today. But if it helps Samuel, why not?

We are supposed to get full showers, and even thunderstorms later, so I finished most of school this morning, gave the boys an early lunch, then sent them out back. A good session of playing in the sand, and running up and down the yard with their trucks, should burn off some of their boundless energy and their desire to get into "stuff."

Besides, they need a bath this afternoon anyway.

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