Monday, February 22

Jumping for Joy

At his last occupational therapy session, Miss Nicole introduced Samuel to jumping rope. It uses a lot of energy and requires coordination at several levels; but forget the technical aspects, Samuel is having so much fun!

I don't know why we hadn't thought of this before -- perhaps jumping rope seems more like a "girl" activity; certainly that was the case when I was young. But then, boxing movies always show boxers working out with jump ropes, so maybe it really is for guys.

For most of the last week, we've had no opportunity to get into a store that sells jump ropes. Today, we finally had the chance, and both boys selected purple jump ropes. They're off to a jumpy start!


Ruby said...

That does soundlike an energetic activity! Something I was never good at myself. Let us know how Samuel, in particular, goes with the co prdination.
Is it cold where you are? can they get outside to jump or are you having to find indoor space? Sounds like good fun for all. Hope all of you are going well.

He is a bright kid ... said...

I try to give the guys a chance to get out and move; after several huge snowfalls, we're slowly getting back to where we might be able to take a walks again and go by the playgrounds. Sometimes I let the jump rope inside, but that's iffy!