Tuesday, October 6

Little Otters for Little Ones

I might be a little disorganized in posting this week -- we've had some illness in the family. But that's a good introduction to the science that we are using this year.

Online, we discovered a delightful program called Little Otters.

Every little kid is fascinated by his or her body! Why do we have these ridges on our finger tips or wrinkles on our elbows? Hey, look what I can do! We've enjoyed the combination of little experiments, reading selections and activities. In all, this should establish a solid foundation for studying life sciences.

The author calls herself "Mama Mouse" and is only identified as a homeschooling Mom working on a graduate degree in nursing. Bless her heart, she gives a day-by-day schedule for working through the Little Otters Science class with your young ones.

While the curriculum is free to download, it takes a bit of effort to track down various books and videos. So far, I'd say my little guys think it is worth it!

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