Friday, January 29

What's His Name?

Names change! After months of trying to figure out the different relationships within a family, Samuel is suddenly aware that women's names change as they marry. His sister no longer shares his last name. I haven't always been a Withnell. Both his grandmothers' names changed.

Now he's getting comfortable with the idea that names change, but he's having trouble figuring out whose name changes. "When I grow up, with I be a ...." fill in the last name of a friend, his speech teacher, and others in his life. So much to learn!

An interesting side note: my maiden name is from old English and had four consonants in the middle. I've known people for many years who never learned to pronounce it correctly. Samuel got it the first time. This is another puzzle; he's a spectrum kid but he has many talents for language!


Ruby said...

My young boys are still getting the hang of maiden names, relationships especially with those previous names etc.
My two older girls are unmarried :-( so they go by our surname but their children go by their fathers' names so that is confusing too. One wonders, in this society where not getting married is acceptable how families will trace their parentage in years to come?
sorry I haven't been over for a while. I hope this year is going well for you all.

He is a bright kid ... said...

Scary what's happening with families these days ...