Wednesday, January 6

Writing to Grandma

Samuel has long loved typing on a computer -- you push a letter here and get an instant response on the screen. We first gave him one of those early learning skills computers and followed that with an older castoff full computer.

Now Samuel can communicate with someone via computer.

My Mom decided to send him a note via my email. I put him in my lap and opened the email in front of us, then let him write a note back to Grandma. We've had several notes back and forth already.

I get him to think aloud a bit first, but what he types is his writing. So far, the only misspelling I noted was "rote" for "wrote," which is a very logical error. He also knows how to type an ampersand by touch and he prefers that to "and." I have no idea how he learned that one because I'd have to hunt to find it on the keyboard.

Samuel's life as a writer begins.

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