Friday, September 11

Something To Talk About

Here's my major learning for the week: bring on one "new" thing at a time. I'm thinking it might be helpful to get routines thoroughly established for each new activity, before adding anything else to the schooling schedule. I've talked before about being somewhat slow at getting up to "full curriculum" just as a matter of sanity in a homeschooling family, but with Samuel, I''m thinking it will be critical to move very slowly. He and I both had a pretty rough week.

Next week, he will start seeing his much adored Ms. Rowley. She is the marvelous speech teacher who has been working with Samuel since he was three, and I think much of his progress can be attributed to her work. During the summer, he knew that the our local pool would close at the end of the summer, and I tried to keep him happy by reminding him that he would be seeing Ms. Rowley in September.

Even this positive addition will bring about change. While Samuel is in speech, I volunteer in the school library adjacent to the speech office. This year, Baby U will be going with us, so I don't know how much help I'll be.  Samuel is likely to be confused by all of us walking over, even though we have done a trial walk together. Also, we will be going first thing in the morning, and he's always gone in the afternoons before.

Well, building on what I learned this week, the addition of speech will be all we try to do next week. I'm going to wait on the science that I'd like to get started.


Ruby said...

Yep, line upon line.
You face so many challenges but knowing ways to present them to Samuel is so important. You obviously know and love him so well. Keep up the good work.

He is a bright kid ... said...

Thank you for your wonderful encouragement. It means more than you can know!